The Molecatcher



 "Before and After" Photographs taken just 7 Days apart. 3 Moles caught, traps removed and ground made good.

 Damage caused by moles is the cause of conflict with man. Moles are incredibly adept at digging tunnels and can move sometimes unbelievable amounts of soil.

Some examples of common damage and problems are shown below:

  • Lawns / Turf damaged by molehills on the surface 
  • Lawns / Turf damaged by raised or sunken tunnels
  • Damage to domestic and agricultural mowing equipment because of uneven ground and raising of soil / stones into the mower blades
  • Trip hazards created by molehills and tunnels. Particularly relevant where there is an expectation of a firm surface ( Sports pitches, public gardens, Hotel / Pub Lawns etc - see Risk Assessment page)
  • Soil introduced into hay / silage by molehills being lifted into the crop during harvesting. (Bacteria introduced into the crop, which is then spoilt)
  • Newly planted crops damaged by disturbance of fragile new root systems
  • Fertile ground created which accelerates germination of airborne weed seeds to pasture or lawns
  • Trip hazard for animals, particularly horses
  • Erosion of water defenses
  • Undermining of structures (Particularly grave stones, shed bases, paving)

and many more.......................

Whilst some environments can tolerate degrees of mole activity, there are others which simply cannot and Moles need to be controlled either totally or managed down to acceptable levels. 

If your enquiry relates to a geographic area away from Warwickshire you may find assistance through the British traditional Molecatchers Register or Molecatcher. uk o<a href="">UK Mole Catchers | Catch-a-molecatcher</a>